Monday, April 8, 2013

Top Ten

Top 10 Clues That It's Nearly Time to Leave Tucson

1. You stop buying groceries because you don't want to throw food away when you leave in two weeks. You subsist mainly on refrigerator leftovers: butter, jelly, Bisquick pancake mix, a box of cane sugar, mustard, cheese.

2. You discover two dozen eggs in the refrigerator and determine that you must use them immediately. After eating 24 eggs worth of egg salad in a matter of days, you buy brownie mix. Which requires eggs.

3. You give up your search for good pizza.

4. The temperature passes 90 degrees. Again.

5. There's heavy cloud cover over the city, a rare event. It offers a cool respite from the day in, day out, sunniness which you have suffered with for months. The local weatherman refers to it as a "plague of clouds." You no longer understand such hostility toward clouds.

6. Your fellow Snowbirds have already migrated back to their hometowns. You are now the oldest person in the JCC gym.

7. You finally get in the pool.

8. It's a beautiful, sunny day but you are whining that it's "too hot" to ride your bike.

9. Paying a state sales tax no longer seems quaint.

10. When you arrived in December, locals told you that rattlesnakes don't come out until April. It's April. You see your first snake.

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